There are now numerous effective treatments for psoriasis in Boston, MA. While a cure has yet to be found for this skin condition, there are treatments that control the symptoms and prevent development of other related illnesses. Managing the symptoms of psoriasis can greatly improve a patient’s quality of life, and early diagnosis and prompt treatment are vital.

What Is Psoriasis?

Psoriasis is an autoimmune disease that causes itchiness and discomfort. This chronic illness also results in inflammation of the skin.

The most common type of psoriasis is plaque psoriasis, which is marked by the appearance of itchy patches of scales called plaques. It can flare up randomly and affect the knees, elbows, scalp, or back. Psoriasis can also manifest as cracked skin that may bleed, cyclic rashes (rashes that gradually appear, disappear, and return over time), or rashes that vary in color.

Risk Factors

Although the cause of psoriasis has not been fully understood, it is attributed to the body’s overactive immune system. There are certain factors that can contribute to psoriasis—genetic and environmental factors both play a role.

If your family has a history of psoriasis, you may be predisposed to the condition. Smoking or exposure to secondhand smoking can increase your chances of developing the illness, and they can also increase the severity of the disease.

Additionally, strep throat infections, cold dry weather, skin injury, and severe sunburn can cause this skin disease to occur.

When to Seek Psoriasis Treatment

Seek medical help if your symptoms become severe or widespread. Discomfort and pain can adversely interfere with your daily routine. Intense flare-ups can cause extensive rashes, cracked skin, and/or scales that could affect your physical appearance.

If you experience joint pain, arrange a consultation at Westford Dermatology & Cosmetic Center right away, especially if you have already been diagnosed with psoriasis. Psoriatic arthritis is one of the many complications that arise from this skin disease when it is not treated promptly.

Your Consultation

Your consultation for psoriasis will help properly diagnose the illness. You will be asked about your symptoms, frequency of flare-ups, and severity of your condition. A physical examination will be performed, and a biopsy may be conducted to confirm your skin illness. Your medical history will be reviewed, and a course of treatment will be developed to help you manage the symptoms.

Psoriasis Treatment Options

The most common treatment prescribed for psoriasis patients is steroid creams. Moisturizers may be recommended to combat dry skin. Medicated ointments, lotions, or shampoos will help improve small rashes. However, for widespread rashes and joint pain, additional treatment methods may need to be considered.

The Recovery Process

The recovery after psoriasis treatments varies from patient to patient. It can take weeks or months for flare-ups to subside. Once the symptoms go away, the condition is considered to be in remission. Remission periods can last months or years before you have another outbreak of psoriasis. Avoiding known triggers can lengthen remission time.

Contact Us to Learn More

Learn more about psoriasis in Boston and discover your options when it comes to this non-contagious skin condition. Contact Westford Dermatology today to schedule your consultation.